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Photographs published with permission of parents/guardians.

New Beginnings is a Non-Profit Charitable Organisation, established in 1999, and incorporated in 2002. The organisation is dedicated to bringing positive change into the lives of our most vulnerable young people, reducing youth anti-social behaviour, and making our communities safer and more liveable. Please help us to create the positive change you want to see in our communities.

New Beginnings is a Registered Deductible Gift Recipient. 

All Donations of $2 and above Tax Deductible!!




* Re-establish Family & Community Values
* Support disadvantaged & at-risk Young People
  and their Families

* Support Migrant/Refugee Young People and Families


What we do:
* Youth Self-Esteem & Leadership Programs

* International Aid Projects
* Fundraising and Research leading to further
  Innovation of our Programs


- Programs recognised internationally at a European

  Conference on Youth Prevention (Sweden 2010)

- Finalist 2017 Telstra Business Awards - Charities

- In 2019 our programs will expand to include Marine Conservation Studies:

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New Beginnings Youth Self-Esteem and Leadership Camps are designed to give participants ‘time out’ in a quiet and natural environment; and to assist them in developing Leadership Skills and Self-Esteem while focusing on Ecological Awareness, Communication, Group Interaction Skills, Principles of Community and Leadership.

Our new 'Way of Community' in-school anti-bullying program, introduced in 2010, is taking the principles of our youth camps to a much broader audience - over 5,200 young people have participated since January 2012.


​The Triple L project (Literacy and Learning for Life) is an initiative of the NEW BEGINNINGS, aimed at putting libraries into remote schools in Africa.

The first project was conducted at EP Primary School Frankadua, Ghana, in 2012.

Figures at January 2018:

68 Ghanaian Schools, 17,500+ Reading Books, 10,200+ Students and 30 Computers Donated!

School Support North America: In October 2016, educational support was provided for Native American children at the 'Protectors of the Waters' School located within the 'Standing Rock Camp' in North Dakota USA.

For further information, please go to our International Projects website below:

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​New Beginnings   PO Box 1727 Runaway Bay Qld 4216 Australia    Ph/Fax: +61 7 5500 5888    Email:

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