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Special Events:

Youth Charity New Beginnings celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2019!

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Please click above to view our Marine Program Promotional Video

Youth Marine Conservation Programs (conducted at Sea World Gold Coast). Level 1 Program: Youth Week 1 - 9 April 2020:


Gold Coast Youth Charity New Beginnings is starting its new Youth Marine Conservation Programs, working in close collaboration with Sea World Gold Coast. The Level 1 Program focusses on the preservation of Australia’s unique Marine Environment and provides participants with a basis for further studies or activities in the fast-growing field of Marine Conservation. 

Note: A minimum of 20 participants is required to conduct each daily session (8.00am to 1.00pm). Own private transport to/from Sea World required.

Book on-line - $35.00 per participant:

Booking details to be provided shortly.

All Level 1 participants will automatically be invited to participate in our Level 2 & 3 Programs.

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Event Program (Downloadable pdf)

Special Film Screening - Fundraising Event 1 February 1999:

- Please contact us to arrange additional group screenings


Gold Coast Youth Charity New Beginnings is pleased to host this exclusive film in collabaration with Lin Sutherland, showcasing her newest marine conservation documentary 'Beauty and the Reef'. Funds raised will be used to assist our charity's new marine conservation programs for disadvantaged children and young people.


New Beginnings founder Ben Brauer will share some of the amazing sucess and ambitions of the local charitable organisation that targets at-risk and vulnerable young people. A guest speakers from Sea World Research Foundation will also present.

A tragedy of the modern era created over millennia Devastated in mere decades - Now is the time to turn the tide.
This film takes us on a journey of the worlds largest ecosystem and the fight to save the Great Barrier Reef.

Southport Community Centre 6 Lawson Street Southport Qld 4215

Doors open 6:30pm | Film 7:00pm | Q&A/Guest Speakers 7:45pm

Book on-line:


Limited Tickets will also be available at the door.

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QSail and its partners support our charitable programs, and assist us with our fundraising efforts.
Commencing in 2020/21, the Moreton Bay Region will become a new site in South East Queensland for our Youth Self-esteem and Leadership Programs, with special focus on Marine Conservation Projects.

​New Beginnings   PO Box 1727 Runaway Bay Qld 4216 Australia    Ph/Fax: +61 7 5500 5888    Email:

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