Eco/Marine Programs
The truth is: the natural world is changing. And we are totally dependent on that world. It provides our food, water and air. It is the most precious thing we have and we need to defend it.
- Sir David Attenborough
About our Programs:
Marine Program Aims

Sir David Attenborough at Australia's Great Barrier Reef
Marine Program Overview
General Program Information

Eco/Marine Studies - Theory
It is important for young people to understand the context and importance of Global warming, and the resulting impacts on our Planet. Our Marine Programs are designed to give students an introduction to the Marine Environment. Involvement in Marine Studies can lead young people on to a number of rewarding career paths, a give them the ability to have a direct and positive impact on our environment.
Eco/Marine Studies - Practical
Our organisation is currently applying for funding for a rigid inflatable to support the eco/conservation element of our youth programs.

Eco/Marine Studies - Practical
The changes which have been occurring for decades are most noticeable within the marine environment. A hands-on approach is essential, thus allowing young people to directly understand the impacts of Global Warming on our environment.